The Rite News of North Carolina – November/December 2021
James W. Howell 2021-10-14 00:13:11
WB Kevin Lee (Mac) McKenzie, 32° was recognized by the Valley of Charlotte at the stated communication held on September 14, for having completed the third course of the Scottish Rite Master Craftsman program: Scottish Rite Philosophy. The Master Craftsman program consists of three segments: Symbolic Lodge, Scottish Rite History and Ritual and Scottish Rite Philosophy. As Brother Mac progressed through each program, the time, effort and concentration requirements increased in order to understand details of the lessons taught in the ritual. Bro McKenzie joins the group of other Valley members that have balanced family, job and other masonic activities to achieve completion of the current Master Craftsman programs in the search for still further Masonic light through the Scottish Rite.