Grand Cross Reunion of the Carolinas – NEXT WEEK!

The Valley of Charlotte will be hosting the first joint reunion involving the Orients of North Carolina and South Carolina. At a meeting on July 19th, 2008, SGIG’s Bill Brunk and Mike Smith approved a new name for this event – it will be “The Grand Cross Reunion of the Carolinas”. It will be in honour of all recipients of the Grand Cross from both Orients. Illustrious Ronald Seale 33 (our Grand Commander) and others from the Supreme Council will be in attendance. This will be an historic event! We will be conferring all 29 of the degrees of the Scottish Rite. Each valley in the Orient of North Carolina and the Orient of South Carolina will be responsible for conferring several degrees. The dates for the reunion will be Wednesday April 15th through Saturday April 19th 2009.

GCR Petition

Registration Form

4740 Randolph Road, Charlotte, NC


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