January 20, 2010
Today a new Masonic website begins its life: www.AlexanderHomesite.org
Here is that site, to you and the other leaders of North Carolina Masonry. The developing story of this incredible house, built by one of the Masonic founders of Charlotte, has taken many years to come to light. I invite you to print it out so you can have your own hard copy. Its just a few pages of text and illustrations.
Some of the facts have previously appeared in The Scottish Rite Journal, The North Carolina Mason, National Geographic, the new website TreasuresofNorthCarolinaMasonry.org and in our Charlotte Scottish Rite temple exhibit. This document contains all the discoveries to date.
In the Charlotte hotbed of revolution and Masonry, Hezekiah Alexander made his residence the focus of bothnot to mention eleven children.
His house was all but forgotten by history and Masonry for two centuries. Now its wake-up time!
With warm wishes,
Walter J. Klein 33