
Evil and wrong and suffering are but temporary, the discords of one great harmony, and in His own good time, they will lead by infinite modulations to the great harmonic chord of Truth, Love Peace, and Happiness.

Where Freemasonry flourishes, there will be found the highest type of citizenship and the best standard of living.

— Albert Pike

31st Degree

31st Degree – Inspector Inquisitor Commander:

This degree teaches prayerful self-examination. The mistakes made today should not be repeated tomorrow. Simply, taking a daily look at oneself teaches one how to live with the future.

32nd Degree

32nd Degree – Master of the Royal Secret:

The lessons of this degree are that “genuine brotherhood requires mutual regard, opinion, esteem, and charity.” We always look for the good in others and make allowances for their flaws. We trust the Supreme Architect to lead us to friendship, morality, and brotherly love.


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