The Rite News of North Carolina – January/February 2022
The Valley Of Charlotte 27th Degree–Knight Of The Sun Or Prince Adept
Gilbert Bailey 2021-12-09 05:25:07
The conferral of the 27th degree or Knight commander of the Temple by the Charlotte Scottish Rite bodies was a brainchild of the Lawrence P. Kapitany Study Club.
Spearheaded by Ill. David L. Hargett, Jr., 33°, and attended by many great Masonic minds.
The first conferral was performed during the Grand Cross reunion held in April of 2009. A reunion of the two Carolinas and was held in Charlotte. The degree remains a mainstay of the conferral work for the valley every reunion since the Grand Cross in ’09. In 2017, the Valley of Charlotte conferred the 27th degree during the Orient wide reunion held in Greensboro, NC.
This degree is very meaningful. It teaches that our love for God manifests itself in our love for Truth, Justice and Nobility of the soul. It can take you down many philosophical rabbit holes. As you pontificate the teachings, you learn that nature reveals a power, wisdom and continually points to God. You learn that philosophy is an ever-learning journey.
This degree is a simplistic degree to exemplify with minimal costumes and props however each part is essential to the whole. It is deep in esotericism. Degree 10 ritualists in total, 9 robes, 7 banners and a few small hand props, along with a projector operator who displays the slides associated with the degree.
This is a rewarding degree and usually has the most comments and questions concerning the content of the teachings.
The 2021 Fall reunion was no exception. Ritualists did great conferring the degree and many questions and comments from the candidates followed.
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