Combined Maundy Thursday/Easter Sunday Service


We will be having our combined Maundy Thursday/Easter Sunday service on Saturday, April 3, 2010. The schedule is as follows:

The service begins with the Extinguishing of the Lights begins promptly at 6:00 p.m.

Dinner will begin at approximately 6:45 p.m.

The Relighting of the Lights will begin at approximately 7:30 p.m.

Please make your reservations as soon as possible.

This ceremony differs from our degrees in that it is exoteric and therefore open to all.

The Extinguishing of the Lights ceremony commemorates Maundy Thursday, or the Last Supper. For our Jewish brethren, the ceremony commemorates the Passover.

This day is fixed as three days preceding the first Sunday after the full moon which happens on or after the Vernal Equinox. To Christians it is a time of darkness and death. The Jewish Passover is a most important religious celebration that is symbolic for all mankind. Many elements of the Passover dinner are explained in the Extinguishing Ceremony.

The Relighting of the Lights alludes to the culmination of the Christian salvation story, the resurrection of Christ. In this ceremony we pause in solemn reflection of this formidable event and turn our eyes toward the light that is given to us by the Perfect One; that we may reflect upon his words and mandate of his teachings.

Those planning to attend should reply to this email with their name and the names of all who will be attending or call the Scottish Rite Office and let Deb know all who will be attending no later than Tuesday, March 30th at 704-365-3579. Thanks for your cooperation so that we can let the cooks know how much food to prepare.

I look forward to seeing you on April 3rd.

Brad Hufeld, 32° KCCH
General Secretary
Charlotte Scottish Rite
Office:  704-365-3579
Fax:     704-365-3570

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