Your Building Committee has been working to repair and replace the damaged tiles from the leaking roof. Recently Brother Brian Kirby has assembled a group of Brothers in an effort to replace the water damaged ceiling tiles in the building. On Easter Sunday he and Brother Russ Elliott and some family members replaced the tiles in the entry foyer and the lobby mens restroom. We have a number of tiles in a storage room on the ground floor of various types. By changing the type of tiles in some locations we can get good tiles to match the ones in the larger areas.
Then on the next Sunday Brian and Brother Sid Sowers finished the Blue Lodge Halls. There is another tile replacement project scheduled for April 13th. They will be working on the Blue Lodge room and the lounge.
This work from our members has resulted in a savings for the Valley of approximately $7,000.00 off the quoted price from the Belfor restoration company.
Brother Don Cummings reported on the condition of the exterior of the building at the April Stated Communication. He indicated that while talking with the contractor who installed our new roof, he mentioned that the building was showing some dark patches that indicated that the masonry has been absorbing moisture. Also the caulking has deteriorated and is in dire need of replacement. Some of the joints around the front of the building are void of the masonry and need tuck pointing. These problems are targeted to be tackled during the coming year.
In case you are not aware, the Scottish Rite is actively seeking some relief from the Insurance Company on our claim for damages from the leaking roof, which was initially denied. We have contracted with the McIntosh Law firm to consider proceeding with legal action on this matter. Any positive results from this action will go towards the restoration and completing the current maintenance issues with the building.
Your Building Committee –
Don & Russ
Donald Cummings 32°KCCH
Russell Elliott 32ºKCCH