Donations for our “Save OUR Temple” campaign that was launched last November continue to increase as we have received donations from 432 Brothers and their families through April 8, totaling $43,980. Although we have not yet achieved our goal, this is a wonderful beginning to retiring the debt of our new roof project that was completed in January. These donations represent 11.6% of our membership stepping up for this much needed cause. For those of you who have contributed, THANK YOU. For those who have not, please consider sending in your gift today and have your name added to this ever growing list of “committed to the cause” members. And in our effort to recognize those who have given, each name is listed here. If you have given and your name is not listed, we apologize for this oversight and ask that you call Brother Secretary and let him know right away.
Jacob R. Abernathy
June Allen
Donald L. Allen
Edward V. Alvert, III
William Mack Archer
Bobby Atkins
Clinton M. Atkinson
Ronald R. Bach
Gilbert Bailey
Ray G. Bailey
Ardie Banker
Claude B. Barbre
Gerald O. Barnes
R.J. Barnes
Earl Barton
Cary H. Bausom
Oren Baucom
Jimmy Reep Beal
John David Beam
James D. Beckom, Sr.
Edwin L. Becton
Michael Bell
Tim Berly
Robert B. Bickel
Gary T. Bishop
Jacob W. Black
W. Larry Black
Charles E. Blake
James Blalock
Louis A. Bledsoe, Jr.
Ziggy Bojar
Billy F. Bolich
Neal C. Bolick
Ratcliff C. Boon III
Harry P. Booth
Ron Bowers
J. T. Brandenburg
Bobby G. Brown
Earl P. Brown
Edward A. Brown
Harry M. Bryant
Curtis Buchanan
Roger F. Burba
John D. Burgess
Jimmy Burgess
Julian R. Burns
John F. Burton
Floyd M. Burton
John F. Butler, Jr.
Joe M. Butler
W. G. Byerly
Garray R. Cable
Jack Caneclides, Jr.
John F. Cansler, Jr.
Arthur B. Capper, Jr.
Martin P. Carpenter
W. Cone Carpenter, Jr.
James F. Case, Jr.
Bruce V. Caughell
Robert B. Cavalline
Stephan Chachoff
Henry Chapin
Leonard R. Cherry, Jr.
Stanley M. Chester
Keith Kelvin Clark
Marvin B. Clifford
Alan Cloninger
Theo E. Cochrane
Donald G. Coggins, Jr.
J. Greg Coley
Robert A. Collier, Jr.
David J. Comaty
Jack L. Conner
Marshall (Mark) Conner
James Cooper
William Cope
Dewey Corriher
H. A.Costner, Jr.
Harold Couick
Clyde Cox
Dabney S. Craddock, Jr.
J. R. Craig
William F. Craig, Jr.
Paul R. Crawford
James L. Crawford
Louis G. Creveling
Kenneth Crouse
William T. Crump
Don Cummings
James E. Currie, Jr.
Robert N. Cuthrell
Rubert N. Cuthrell
H. Erwin Davenport, Sr.
John M. Davenport, Jr.
Bud Davidson
J.C. Davidson, Jr.
Samuel M. Davidson
Joseph S. Davis, Jr.
William P. Davis
Michael R. Davis
Edward Day
Don Deese
S. W. Dellinger, Jr.
Michael Dente, Sr.
Robert T. Dickson
Cutler S. Dillon
George Dizes
John M. Dwelle
Clyde Early
Thomas b. Easterling
Van T. Edwards
John P. Edwards
Edward S. Elam
Russell Elliott
C. B. Elliott
Eddie Ellis
T. Mike Elmore
James A. Emerson
Robert W. Erwin, Jr.
Floyd R. Eudy
John R. Eve
Earl E. Ewers, Jr
Boyd P. Falls
Joseph Farel
Kelly Donald Farr
Tim Farris
Billy L. Ferris
Luther L. Fincher
William Findt
John M. Fisher
Karl E. Fisher
Olin T. Flowe
Abner B. Fortner, Jr.
James P. Freeman
Robert E. Furr
Charlie Joe Furr
Brenda P. Garrison
Richard A. George
John A. Gillimore, Jr.
H. N. Glenn
Benjamin D. Gold
Bill Goodyear
T. E. Gordon, III
Thomas M. Graham
Chesley M. Greene
Zeb Green
Michael A. Greene
Robert Gresham
Henry C. Griffin
Joseph M. Griffin
John H. Griffin
Gene R. Griffin
Glenn B. Hackney, Jr.
Elmer Hall
William Y. Hall
Todd Ham
John W. Hamilton
John F. Hammond
John M. Hamor
Claude Ray Harrill
A.C. Harrington
L. William Harris
Robert L. Harvell
William M. Harward
William A. Harward “Jr.”
Ted A. Hatley
Carl A. S. Hedburg
John Hefner
James H. Hendrickson
Joseph S. Henry
John Herschleb
Thomas W. Hicks
Ted Hill
Coy J. Hill
T. J. Hinsley, Jr.
Ken W. Hinson
Jerry D. Hinson
Gary G. Holbrook
Cyrus Holdeen
Edward L. Holt
Herbert Mason Horne
Ron Horton
John H. House
Wayne D. Houser
Bill Howard
James W. Howell
Robert E. Howser
James F. Huckabee
Jimmy N. Hudson
Billy F. Hudson
Daniel E. Huffman, Sr.
Kenneth Huffstelter
W. J. “Buz” Hunley
William T. Hunter
J. W. Hunt
Victor H. Hussey
Gary Isenhour
Harold Jackson
Lewis W. James
James R. Jamison, Jr.
Lee Dennis Jones
Perry M. Jones
Solomon Jones
Jack N. Jordan
Jeffery Katz
Evans Kayser
Dewey Keller
Bob R. Keller
Jason T. Kepley
Harold A. Kessler
Charlie M. Killian, Jr.
Callie F. King
Larry E. King
Wade Kirby
Brian Kirby
James B. Kiser
Richard Klavohn
Walter J. Klein
William G. Kluttz
Craig C. Kluttz
Boyce F. Koontz
Harold J. Kossove
Kevin J. Kubacki
James R. La Roach
Otis Lamberth
B. F. “Dick” Lane
Jim Laney
B. F. “Dick” Lane
H. Allen Langley
Bruce C. Lanier
Robert W. Lawing, Sr.
T. R. Lawing
James D. Ledbeter, Jr.
Robert Lemonds
Leonard L. Lewis
Daniel C. Ligon
J. Ralph Linn
John Litaker
Richard D. Long
Bob Lowder
William H. Lutz
Jesse W. Mac Watt
Alan W. Madsen
Patrick Maloy
Albert Mancinelli
Thomas J. Mann
Douglas E. Mann
W. Norman Manning
Danny Martin
Gary A. Mason
Roger L. Massey
Richard D. Matthews
Ralph H. Maxwell
C. Douglas Mayes
Alan H. Mayhew
Walter F. McCall
James Glenn McCants
David L. McConnell, Jr.
Jerry R. McCorkle
Johnny W. Mc Coy
Todd J. McCranie
Jerry L. McDaniel
Sean McDeson
George T. McDonald
Boyd McGee
Thomas M. McInnis
Robert G. McIntosh
Wesley C. McIntyre, Jr.
P. H. McKinney
James A. McLean
James L. Medlin
Charles F. Menkel
Angus S. Mercer
John S. Miller, Jr.
Peter T. Milliones
Robert H. Mills
William L. Mills, III
Jackie Millsaps
Walter Moody
Eugene Moore
Terry Bruce Moore
Flay Curtis Morehead III
Charles E. Morris
Sam Morris
Jack Morton
Richard W. Moulton
Jim Murray
William F. Navy
Oliver L. Newsom
Eric S. Newton
Steve Nivens
William C. Parlier
H. Frank Parnell
Zeb Parrish, Jr.
Fred K. Pasour
W. Ward Patrick
David W. Pettus
E. J. Phillips, Jr.
L. Steven Phillips
B. T. Philips, Jr.
Dr. William E Pierce
Carl J. Pinion
Lewis F. Platt
Danny R. Plummer
Jerry M. Poplin
Mr. Damon Powell
John H. Pransky
Dewey R. Preslar, Sr.
Dewey R. Preslar, Jr.
J. L. Presler
Robert A. Price
James C. Ramey
Luther J. Rape, Jr.
Norman Reavis
James E. Reddish
Jerry D. Reed
James V. Rhyne
Joe E. Richardson
Scott S. Richardson
Jim Robinson
William M. Rushing
James O. Russell
Harold D. Sain
Robert G. Sanders
William C. Saunders
Bob Saye
John E. Schott
William F. Scoggins
Vernon Seay
Arthur A. Selby, Jr.
Ronald C. Self
David B. Sentelle
Darrell Setliff
John W. Severs, Jr.
Robert Shell
Charles E. Sherer
Fred L. Sherrill, Jr.
Robert W. Shoemaker
Weldon Shrum
Romas Shuping
Glenn Sigmon
Dwight M. Sigmon
Darril T. Sigmon
Arthur D. Skidmore
J. Bruce Skinner
Arnold W. Smith
Billy E. Smith
Franklin H. Smith
Freddie C. Smith
George M. Smith
Gordon F. Smith
Ottis Brown Smith
Roland Smith
Ronnie C. Smith
Ted Solomon
Louie M. Solomon
Ronald Sperlbaum
Nelson B. Sprague
Robert M. Stafford
Joe F. Starnes, Sr.
Perry L. Steele
Larry K. Stepp
Thomas P. Stroozas
Charles E. Stubbs
David R. Stultz
Harry L. Sturgis
Charles F. Sullivan
Erroll C. Sult
Guy Suttle
William T. Sweezy
James C. Talbert
Sarah Tanzy
James P. Tate
T. Douglas Taylor
Paul Lloyd Teem, Jr.
Temple Lodge
Nat Thackston
Chilton D. Thomas
James H. Thomas
Daniel E. Thompson
Charles P. Thompson
Larry Thorneburg
Jack Thrower
Ray Tilley
Ben R. Tillotson, Jr.
Julian Timmons
H. Warren Tool, Jr.
Willie Treece
Francis W. Troutman
David Troxell
Ernest E. Tucker, Jr.
Harold E. “Hal” Uttley
Edwin T. Vanhoy
Charles C. Vess
Ron D Vilas
Gerald E. Voiles
John C. Votik
Winfred L. Waite
Max Walker
Jack Walters
Harold B. Warsham
David L. Warwick
Hugh W. Watts
Harold P. Watts
Manning Watts
Dewey Webb
Carl Jim Weisel
Arthur West
Stephen A. White
Samuel E. White
J. B. White
William Whiteside
Paul L. Whitfield
C. Mark Whitten
Greg Wickie
Willam A. Wiktorek
Robert P. Wilcox
George A. Wilkie
Frank F. Williams
Grady A. Williams
Victor A. Willis
David A. Wilson
Donald R. Wilson
George T. Winecoff
Robert L. Winston, Sr.
Bill Withers, Sr.
Chas N. Witherspoon
Charles L. Wood
Dennis Woolery
Clayton Lee Wright
Thomas M. Yost, Jr.